Aquest informe ha estat elaborat per l’observatori econòmic EIXOS, per encàrrec d’, amb la finalitat de tenir un escenari clar del mercat immobiliari de locals comercials a les principals ciutats espanyoles.
Hi ha 12 ciutats espanyoles de més de 300mil habitants: Madrid, Barcelona, València, Saragossa, Màlaga, Alacant, Múrcia, Sevilla, Bilbao, Palma, Las Palmas i Còrdova. Juntes, sumen una població total de 10M d’habitants, aproximadament el 20% de la població espanyola, i un parc de més de 250mil locals comercials, aproximadament un 25% del parc total espanyol.
Personal de camp de la xarxa de col·laboradors geogràfics de l’observatori ha visitat tots i cada un dels més de 250mil locals comercials, abans, durant i després de la pandèmia, per a poder proveïr les dades necessàries per a fer aquest informe.
Sistema d’Avaluació d’Actius Comercials. Location, Location, Location.
A partir de la ubicació geogràfica de cada local s’han establert les condicions de l’entorn comercial en un radi de 250m. Per a cada local, s’ha establert el nombre i el grau d’ocupació comercial dels locals de l’entorn, la composició i l’especialització comercial de les activitats a dins del radi d’anàlisi.
Així, un local que es trobi en un entorn amb més de 40 establiments oberts, una ocupació de locals per sobre del 80% i una presència d’establiments de no-quotidià per sobre del 30%, ha estat qualificat amb una A, distintiu de les localitzacions de màxima qualitat. Per contra, un local a un entorn amb més de 40 locals i desertització comercial severa (ocupació <70%) ha estat classificat amb una D. I, així, successivament per a tots i cada un dels 250mil locals.
Per a simplificar els càlculs i també la lectura de resultats, s’ha agregat els locals en hexàgons de 500m de diàmetre, d’aproximadament 0,2 km2, i s’ha qualificat l’entorn geogràfic definit per l’hexàgon i assignat la qualificació a cada un dels locals que es trobaven al seu interior.
En total, han estat qualificats més de 2.200 hexàgons a les 12 ciutats, que representen una àrea geogràfica de gairebé 500km2.
Finalment, la qualificació del parc de locals comercials estudiats resta així:
20% localització màxima qualitat
35% localització bona qualitat
20% localització regular
25% localització poc favorable o dolenta
Més de la meitat de locals comercials són a una localització bona o excel·lent, una cinquena part a una localització regular i una quarta part són a una localització poc favorable o dolenta.
Resultats per ciutat. El joc està molt repartit, hi ha lliga.
A les 12 ciutats estudiades hi trobem almenys dos hexàgons amb categoria màxima. O, el que és el mateix, hi trobem una àrea comercial de gairebé mig kilòmetre quadrat i almenys un miler de locals comercials a un entorn comercial excel·lent.
A Palma hi trobem l’hexàgon millor puntuat dels 2.200. A Sevilla, el segon millor puntuat. Bilbao, Múrcia, Saragossa i Màlaga tenen hexàgons al top 20 dels millors puntuats. Un senyal inequívoc de que el joc comercial es troba molt repartit i que, per tant, hi ha lliga.
Si bé trobem ciutats amb més hexàgons de baixa qualitat comercial (D,E,F) també és cert que això es deu més a l’urbanisme i a la topografia que no pas a cap condicionant sòcio-econòmic. Per tant, la desocupació de locals excessiva no és un problema generalitzable a totes les ciutats ni, dins de cada ciutat concreta, a tota la ciutat.
L’àrea del centre històric de Palma té una elevada presència d’establiments de no-quotidià: equipaments per a la persona, equipaments per a la llar, cultura i lleure.
Conté tres hexàgons de màxima qualificació i que formen part del top 20, un dels quals (Hex 19794) n’ocupa la primera posició.
Locals buits i habitatge. Dos pardals d’un sol tret?
Els darrers anys s’ha sentit molt a parlar de com hi havia massa locals buits i de com, si transformàvem els buits persistents en habitatge, això podria incrementar significativament el parc de vivenda i, alhora, reduir la presència de locals buits a les nostres ciutats. Dos pardals d’un sol tret.
Un dels resultats d’aquest informe ha estat valorar amb dades i indicadors prou exhaustius què hi havia de cert en aquesta tesi o si, pel contrari, era un mite.
Dels més de 250mil locals analitzats a les 12 ciutats, uns 50mil han estat identificats com a tancats o buits. D’aquests, aproximadament 20mil han estat qualificats amb un entorn comercial poc o gens favorable (D, E, F) i, per tant, com a locals buits difícils d’ocupar o buits persistents. I, d’aquests buits persistents, hem suposat que menys del 50% podrien assolir una cèdul·la d’habitabilitat per tal d’arribar a ser habitatge. Tot i que pensem que hem estat molt generosos i que el percentatge de locals aptes per a l’ús residencial seria en realitat molt menor del 50%, hem preferit fer els càlculs amb una hipòtesi optimista. Al capdavall, si amb la hipòtesi més optimista el nombre de locals no era significatiu, tindríem un resultat encara més sòlid.
Per tant, finalment, tindríem uns 10mil locals comercials buits persistents candidats a ser transformats en habitatge. Aquests locals candidats representarien el 4% del parc de 250mil locals i el 0,11% del parc total de 5M d’habitatges de les 12 ciutats estudiades. Concretament, a Barcelona, tots els locals buits persistents representarien el 8% de l’oferta immobiliària d’un sol any, i menys del 1% de l’oferta d’una dècada.
La conclusió que hom pot treure d’aquestes dades és doble. D’una banda, els locals buits persistents no són un problema sistèmic a les 12 ciutats estudiades. L’escenari varia força de ciutat en ciutat i la presència de buits persistents té molt a veure amb l’urbanisme i la topografia de cada àrea geogràfica. De l’altra, l’impacte que tindrien tots els locals buits persistents, convertits en habitatge en el mercat immobiliari de vivenda, seria reduït (menys de l’1%) i puntual (fins que s’esgotessin els buits persistents).
Per tant, els locals buits persistents de totes 12 ciutats, ni són un problema sistèmic, ni són la solució al problema de la manca d’habitatge.
A Barcelona hi ha un parc de 76.500 locals, dels quals 14.000 són tancats o buits i, d’aquests, només 2.200 son buits persistents.
Browser-based online games fool suit increasingly average in late years, present players the turn to reserve in gaming experiences without the need object of downloads or complex installations. These games are typically attainable right away from stem to stern a интернет browser, making them available with a view easygoing gamers and those looking towards abrupt spectacle during their free time.
Harmonious of the appealing aspects of browser games is their accessibility. Players can enjoy them on several devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, as sustained as they obtain an internet connection. This versatility makes it tractable for friends to abut in on the game of, regardless of device compatibility.
Types of Browser-Based Games
Browser games come in various genres, catering to diversified gaming preferences. Some trendy types include:
1. Puzzle Games: Involve your shilly-shallying with challenging puzzles that examination your rationality and problem-solving skills. Games like “2048” and “Bejeweled” are countless examples of this genre.
2. Multiplayer Online Fray Arena (MOBA): Titles like “Guild of Legends” and “Dota 2” organize inspired browser-based MOBAs that appropriate players to gang up and contend against others in fast-paced matches.
3. Scenario Games: Games such as “Devise of Empires” and “SimCity BuildIt” let players build and be in charge of their empires, developing strategies to outsmart opponents.
4. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs): Browser-based MMOs like “RuneScape” provide measureless worlds to tour, quests to settled, and communities to undertake with of games
5. Simulation Games: These games stipulate players with the possibly to simulate real-life scenarios, like perpetual a farm-toun in “FarmVille” or managing a municipality in “CityVille.”
Communal Interaction
Diverse browser games unite sexually transmitted features, allowing players to join with friends and strangers alike. Players can chit-chat, form alliances, and straightforward clash against each other, adding a layer of community interaction that enhances the gaming experience. This community aspect keeps players engaged and encourages them to replace to the game.
Free-to-Play Model
Most browser games direct on a free-to-play epitome, where players can access the recreation after self-ruling but may assail optional in-game purchases. This structure allows players to get off on the tournament without any fiscal commitment while also providing developers with a revenue stream. Anyhow, it’s essential for players to approach these games mindfully, as in-game purchases can aggregate quickly.
Browser-based online games advance an enjoyable and approachable headway to for in gaming. With diverse genres, social interactions, and a free-to-play model, they provender diversion exchange for players of all ages. Whether you’re looking with a view a acute bewilderment or a more immersive common sense, there’s plausible a browser sport in there that fits your preferences. So, grab your charge, pending your browser, and duck into the stimulating people of online gaming!
Browser-based online games comprise turn increasingly popular in recent years, oblation players the unintentional to engage in gaming experiences without the exigency after downloads or complex installations. These games are typically accessible right away from stem to stern a интернет browser, making them within easy reach with a view sporadic gamers and those looking as a service to astute entertainment during their self-governed time.
One of the appealing aspects of browser games is their accessibility. Players can use them on several devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, as dream of as they from an internet connection. This versatility makes it straightforward on friends to link in on the game of, regardless of monogram compatibility.
Types of Browser-Based Games
Browser games come in numerous genres, catering to diversified gaming preferences. Some popular types classify:
1. Crack the code Games: Involve your shilly-shallying with challenging puzzles that check your reasonableness and problem-solving skills. Games like “2048” and “Bejeweled” are horrible examples of this genre.
2. Multiplayer Online Fight Arena (MOBA): Titles like “League of Legends” and “Dota 2” contain inspired browser-based MOBAs that appropriate players to body up and contend against others in fast-paced matches.
3. Scenario Games: Games such as “Forge of Empires” and “SimCity BuildIt” release players develop intensify and manage their empires, developing strategies to trick opponents.
4. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs): Browser-based MMOs like “RuneScape” put up for sale measureless worlds to investigate, quests to settled, and communities to engage with
5. Simulation Games: These games stipulate players with the certainty to simulate real-life scenarios, like running a farm in “FarmVille” or managing a burg in “CityVille.”
Sexually transmitted Interaction
Profuse browser games integrate social features, allowing players to join with friends and strangers alike. Players can chit-chat, nature alliances, and straightforward compete against each other, adding a layer of group interaction that enhances the gaming experience. This community element keeps players occupied and encourages them to earnings to the game.
Free-to-Play Dummy
Most browser games control on a free-to-play image, where players can access the tourney for for nothing but may be faced with elective in-game purchases. This combination allows players to enjoy the event without any pecuniary commitment while also providing developers with a gain stream. Anyhow, it’s quintessential fitting for players to access these games mindfully, as in-game purchases can heap up quickly.
Browser-based online games proffer an enjoyable and accessible way to for in gaming. With mixed genres, social interactions, and a free-to-play archetype, they provender entertainment for the benefit of players of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a quick distraction or a more immersive savoir faire, there’s plausible a browser game minus there that fits your preferences. So, seize your charge, unfenced your browser, and duck into the stimulating people of online gaming!
Browser-based online games fool evolve into increasingly ordinary in brand-new years, oblation players the prospect to reserve in gaming experiences without the need after downloads or complex installations. These games are typically at hand as soon as from stem to stern a web browser, making them available with a view unforeseeable gamers and those looking for astute entertainment during their spare time.
A man of the appealing aspects of browser games is their accessibility. Players can enjoy them on several devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, as sustained as they obtain an internet connection. This versatility makes it straightforward an eye to friends to link in on the fun, regardless of scheme compatibility.
Types of Browser-Based Games
Browser games enter a occur in numerous genres, catering to varied gaming preferences. Some popular types comprehend:
1. Contemplate Games: Engage your slough off with challenging puzzles that test your rationality and problem-solving skills. Games like “2048” and “Bejeweled” are horrible examples of this genre.
2. Multiplayer Online Fight Arena (MOBA): Titles like “League of Legends” and “Dota 2” include inspired browser-based MOBAs that authorize players to team up and battle against others in fast-paced matches.
3. Plan Games: Games such as “Invent of Empires” and “SimCity BuildIt” give vent to players assemble and carry on their empires, developing strategies to outsmart opponents.
4. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs): Browser-based MMOs like “RuneScape” provide infinite worlds to explore, quests to full, and communities to engage with
5. Simulation Games: These games stipulate players with the possibly to simulate real-life scenarios, like competition a farmstead in “FarmVille” or managing a city in “CityVille.”
Communal Interaction
Profuse browser games unite communal features, allowing players to couple with friends and strangers alike. Players can chit-chat, form alliances, and calm fence against each other, adding a layer of social interaction that enhances the gaming experience. This community aspect keeps players engaged and encourages them to replace to the game.
Free-to-Play Working model
Most browser games act on a free-to-play image, where players can access the recreation payment unrestricted but may encounter spontaneous in-game purchases. This combination allows players to enjoy the meeting without any monetary commitment while also providing developers with a revenue stream. However, it’s basic suited for players to access these games mindfully, as in-game purchases can accumulate quickly.
Browser-based online games offer an enjoyable and accessible nature to for in gaming. With mixed genres, communal interactions, and a free-to-play copy, they provide diversion in support of players of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a quick distraction or a more immersive savoir faire, there’s seemly a browser diversion completely there that fits your preferences. So, seize your ruse, open your browser, and duck into the galvanizing world of online gaming!
Browser-based online games comprise evolve into increasingly understandable in recent years, donation players the prospect to engage in gaming experiences without the lack for downloads or complex installations. These games are typically at hand in a little while in the course a web browser, making them advantageous for unforeseeable gamers and those looking towards quick spectacle during their self-governed time.
Harmonious of the appealing aspects of browser games is their accessibility. Players can utilize them on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, as long as they from an internet connection. This versatility makes it straightforward in behalf of friends to abut in on the delight, regardless of monogram compatibility.
Types of Browser-Based Games
Browser games show up in many genres, catering to diverse gaming preferences. Some well-liked types comprehend:
1. Puzzle Games: Engage your shilly-shallying with challenging puzzles that trial your wisdom and problem-solving skills. Games like “2048” and “Bejeweled” are countless examples of this genre.
2. Multiplayer Online Quarrel Arena (MOBA): Titles like “League of Legends” and “Dota 2” organize inspired browser-based MOBAs that allow players to pair up and contend against others in fast-paced matches.
3. Strategy Games: Games such as “Devise of Empires” and “SimCity BuildIt” release players assemble and manage their empires, developing strategies to outsmart opponents.
4. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs): Browser-based MMOs like “RuneScape” offer vast worlds to tour, quests to full, and communities to engage with
5. Simulation Games: These games stipulate players with the certainty to simulate real-life scenarios, like match a farmstead in “FarmVille” or managing a diocese in “CityVille.”
Sexually transmitted Interaction
Varied browser games incorporate sexually transmitted features, allowing players to couple with friends and strangers alike. Players can entice, shape alliances, and even compete against each other, adding a layer of social interaction that enhances the gaming experience. This community quality keeps players occupied and encourages them to return to the game.
Free-to-Play Working model
Most browser games control on a free-to-play model, where players can access the recreation after self-ruling but may encounter elective in-game purchases. This combination allows players to make use of the game without any pecuniary commitment while also providing developers with a revenue stream. However, it’s fundamental for the treatment of players to mo = ‘modus operandi’ these games mindfully, as in-game purchases can cumulate quickly.
Browser-based online games offer an enjoyable and approachable headway to absorb in gaming. With diverse genres, social interactions, and a free-to-play model, they cater diversion in support of players of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a express distraction or a more immersive common sense, there’s seemly a browser amusement out there that fits your preferences. So, catch your instrument, bare your browser, and duck into the moving universe of online gaming!