Superblocks: pacifying retail?

The Eixample urban grid is responsible for Barcelona’s success as a model city. Contrary to what is often said, gentrification in Barcelona is much less severe than in other cities, largely thanks to the Eixample.

In terms of retail, the Eixample functions as a continuous carpet of ground-floor retail stores lining the four facades of each block. The Eixample we enjoy today is not the hygienic city or ville radieuse that Cerdà, and later Le Corbusier, proposed. Fortunately. Barcelona wouldn’t be “the best retail store in the world” without a four-facade, four-chamfered Eixample layout. With over a thousand retail stores per square kilometer, to find a similar commercial phenomenon to that of the Eixample you would have to go to Manhattan, where there is a similar density.

Interior de la superilla de Sant Antoni. Fotografia: Fran Sol
Sant Antoni Superblock Inside. Picture: Fran Sol
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Mapa Comercial de Jerusalem

Com funcionen el petit comerç i la restauració a la riba est del Mediterrani?

Són Jerusalem, Barcelona, València i Girona comparables en termes comercials? Creiem que ho són, i molt, i que, comparant-les, entenem millor què és això de la “ciutat mediterrània” i en quines condicions aquest model comercial excel·leix. Pista: ho fa a la riba oest.

Aprofitant que era Setmana Santa hem fet, doncs, un excercici de pelegrinatge comercial.

Vista de la Torre de David i de la muralla de la ciutat vella de Jerusalem. Font:
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